Season 2020 Cancelled

Unfortunately, the SMJFL has made the ultimate decision to cancel the local football season. Whilst they have left the door open for an alternative type of competition post our normal season the football competition as we know it has been cancelled.

It is really disappointing but not really surprising that this has occurred given the current conditions existing in the state of Victoria and I believe they had no other alternatives at this point but to make the call they have made.

Much time has been given by all of our volunteers to have the kids in the best position possible to enter this season and I trust that the kids and parents have appreciated the effort that many have put in to this point.

All our volunteers and kids have adapted exceptionally well to a different environment over many weeks and months and I would like to thank everyone for how this has been approached.

With no football to be played many will be wondering where to from here?

We will await the decision of whether an alternative type of competition from the SMJFL is a possibility and we will look at every option to be involved in that. We would like to hope that we can at least return to training if and when restrictions are eased to help our kids remain active, reconnect with friends and to feel the support of the broader community.

We also understand there will be a number of questions from members and sponsors on topics such as registration fees. These will be discussed by the Committee and we will be back in touch with you on these things in the coming days. The club understands that this needs to be treated with a matter of urgency however the news that the season as we know it has been cancelled has just hit us today, therefore we will ensure this body of work is done quickly as we also consider the financial position of the football club.

On behalf of myself and the committee, we would like to thank you for your understanding and ongoing support of our club. We look forward to reconnecting with you all after lockdown and while this year will look different to any other, we know our community is strong and hope we can have some semblance of normality into season 2021 and beyond.


Paul Groves
Mordi Brae Junior Football Club


For more information, see the SMJFL Public Statement