Players are allocated to an age group based on their age as at 1 January. For example, players turning 12 in this Calendar Year are eligible to play under 12.
For information about how to register to play at Mord-Brae
Create an account using your email address
The system will send you an email with a link to set up a password. Click on the link and enter a password
You will then be taken to the player registration form, where you can add details for each player you are registering
When completing the registration form, please take the time to fill in as many details as possible. Proof of date of birth must be provided to complete registration, and may be any of the following forms:
Birth certificate
Birth certificate extract
Once completed, your registration with Mordi-Brae JFC will be pending and ready for completion by the club for the 2020 season.
Membership Fees 2022
1st / Single Player Registration
2nd Player registered from the same family
3rd (or subsequent) Player registered from the same family