Round 1 – Match Reports

This Sunday’s Round 1 match reports will start at 6pm at the club rooms and is for our U8 – U12 teams.

The sponsor this week is Buxton Mentone and we thank Mathew Cox and the team for their fantastic support.

This week’s match reports set up team U12 Violet (Rowe). Please be at the clubrooms by 5.30pm for set up.

This week’s match reports pack up team is U11 Violet (Murray). Please make sure you have families there at the end to pack up.

We have some milestones to celebrate this coming weekend too! For those who reached a milestone in Round 1 in the U13+ age groups, your presentation will be carried over to the next match report for your age group.

Congratulations on playing 50 games with MBJFC:

  • Harrison Rowe in U14 Violet (Rowe)
  • Hamish McCann in U14 Violet (Rowe)